My blog today is somewhat of a rip off of my blog for work. I work for one of the larger glass companies in Dallas. I don't have any restrictions on what I write about as long as it includes glass in some way. You can see my other blog here. Blog/?p=105
I've been falling more and more in love with modern architecture, with it's sleek lines, and natural feel. Not to mention the immense amount of windows and natural light they let in. Since Rob and I will soon be on the hunt for our first house, one of the features at the top of my list for any home is natural light. I loathe dark dreary homes that make you depressed just being in them. Letting so much of the outdoors in keeps me feeling connected even if I am stuck inside to stay away from the heat of Texas. Since modern homes deck their homes in windows and glass walls, I wanted to show everyone what they are missing out on.
Check out Glass Doctor of North Texas' Pinterest Board.
Call me crazy, but when I landed on this photo this morning, I thought wouldn't it be lovely if we all lived in little pod houses that are somewhat connected. It creates a great sense of community, and then in the middle of all the jutted building is a grassy terrain where all the families gather together. Wouldn't that be nice?
Check it out here