Sunday, March 02, 2014

So I know I've been a hortible, hortible blogger recently. Ever since getting engaged towards the end of December I have just really focused on my life in the now and forgotten to blog. One thing I truely want to do is track my engagement and wedding process. I would really like to get a scrapbook and that requires lots of pictures and printing them. I guess it'll be worth it when I am forty though.

If you've read through my blog, you can see I amalways on and off with eating right and exercising. Its just a struggle I'm sure everyone deals with. I won't sit here and pretend to be perfect and like I never screw up.

I really want to get in shape for my wedding and the hineymoon so I can look sexy as hell lol. Who wouldnt ? From this day forward I am tracking EVERYTHING I eat and how I am working out. This way I can back track and see how often I've been messing up and to have the public pressure!

So, let's begin...

For breakfast Rob and I went to Einsteins Bagels and I got a thintastic egg bagel with spinach, mushroom, and swiss. Probably not the most healthy.. but breakfast you eat like a king, right?

2:00 pm I worked out to P90X cardio. I did 30mins.. unforutantely I couldn't make the 42 minutes :( next time !!

Afterwards I made a banana chocolate recovery shake.

 This recipe makes 2:
1 whole banana
2 cups of Reduced Sugar Vanilla Almond Milk
1/3 cups Chocolate Protein Powder

Blend it all together.

The best shake ever.


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