Monday, January 27, 2014

Lately I've been feeling a little pale... a little ghostly. I am not a huge fan of going to the tanning bed since we've all heard the big skin cancer scare. Plus, I don't like getting super hot and sweaty for 20 minutes at a time and risk the chance at a sunburnt on my butt. No thanks.

I researched getting a mystic tan and everyone claims it's the bees knees. I called a local tanning salon and come to find out it's about $25 a spray... plus it MIGHT last 7 days. A little pricey for my taste.

I then decided that a self tanner was the way to go. But which one? There are thousands out there, and everyone has their own bad and good experiences with tanners. Reading reviews really doesn't help since it all depends on how your skin reacts to it. Then, of course, you have another scare factor. A tanning booth might give you skin cancer, but how do you think the self tanner is making you darker? Chemicals..or so I've read and had the "talk" from my mom.

I decided to just dive in and try Jergen's tanner. I first used it on a Saturday night after I took my shower and exfoliated. It wasn't bad. I didn't see a sudden change in color, but I am aware it takes a couple layers to build the color you want. I definitely didn't turn orange... at least I don't think? And Rob couldn't tell a difference, but I expected that from a man.

I could see from my first time doing it that I didn't rub it all over the tops of my hands for fear that I'd look like I had gorilla hands after.. but I definitely saw where I didn't use the tanner. I decided to let it fade and try again the following week. That was 2 weeks ago. I put the tanner on Saturday, Sunday, and Wednesday.

Cons to putting this on during the day, it made my skin stink while I let it sit for the 4 hours. I don't want to take a shower in the middle of the day. So I stunk all Saturday.

Cons to putting it on at night, poor lighting... making the possibilities of streaking sky rocket for me.

So I tried a little of both.

My desk at work is basically surrounded by natural light, which I freakin' love! Bad thing is, I started to see where the streaking happened from the tanner. I really thought I rubbed it in well and put an even coat on. So this leads me to believe I either suck at self tanner, or Jergen's just doesn't hold up. Maybe it's a little of both.
I actually rubbed it on the outter side of my wrist to ensure I didn't look like this! ^^
But you can also see that the cresses in my wrist didn't take the tanner well. And trust me, I rubbed it in.

Streaking all over the body, but only visible in sunlight

My other two toned arm

Not too shabby here.
So I can't decide if I failed at self tanner... which is quite possible...
I think I'll stick to tanning by the pool. Summer and warm weather is only a month away for us Texans.

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