Saturday, May 04, 2013

DIY Trashcan

For the last two years, I've had this ugly clear trashcan in our bathroom. I really despise this thing. When it gets dirty on the inside, you can see everything. I don't want guests to have to see all our trash just sitting right there, clear in view! I've been seeing this pin on Pinterest a lot lately. Even though I don't care to actually try doing this to jars, I thought it would work perfectly in my trashcan!  
The Art of the Jar! From spaghetti sauce container to pencil holder or flower vase, a jar can be almost anything you can imagine! With a bit of paint, some creativity and purposeful inspiration, you can reuse your jar for something magical! #Mason Jar #DIY

All you do is take paint, pour it in the jar and let it go all over the sides, and then dry.
I thought I'd try it out, but with glitter on the inside. **FAIL** That didn't work out at all. Now my trashcan just looks clumpy on the inside lol. Oh well!! 
First, Clean out the jar/can *duh*

Here  is how it all started.... The gray turned out well, just not the glitter!

I taped off my chevron pattern. Looking back I should have measured and actually painted the opposite chevrons.

Mod Podge and glitter!

Paint on the mod podge first

Dump on the glitter!


Final product

I think I'm going to touch this up a little bit next weekend. Make my glitter stripes a lot bigger!!!!

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