Monday, May 06, 2013

Doggy Problems

About a week ago, I started noticing my sweet, precious English Bulldog limping. She was walking over to her bowl of food, and she had a slight limp in her rear left leg. When she was eating, she wouldn't even stand on the leg. Her limping only started after she was sitting or lying down. I watched her for the next several days and at times it didn't even seem like she had a limp. She was fine, running around and playing with her toys. A couple days later, I noticed her trying to turn. Her right rear leg starts to quiver. Of course I do what any concerned mother would do. I google it. All I see is hip dysplasia everywhere! 

Anyway, I took her in to the Vet. I dropped her in this morning, and called twice to check up on my poor baby. The receptionist at the vet told me the doctor wanted to talk to me in person about Lucy. She explained that would be easier if I was there so the doctor can show me some visual aids. About an hour ago, I go in and have my consultation with the doctor. She informs me that my poor, poor baby's knee joint keeps popping out to the left. When she lays down or sits into a relaxing pose, the joint pops out. When she stands, the muscle pops it back in, and keeps it in place. This is way she seems fine when walking or playing around. I left the vet with at least 5 different medicines for her. One for joint pain, arthritis meds, some anti-inflammatory meds, and medicated wipes. It came close to $300! This is exactly the reason I am so cheap most of the time. Every couple of months, this dog has some issues. It's just part of the breed! 

Unfortunately (More for the dog than me), we have to put her on a diet. She's gained 6 pounds in about four months. I spoil her. What can I say? I'm just a mommy! 

These photos are from when we got her. She has definitely gained some weight, which I refer to as love lol.


  1. Our little Beaux has the same thing! The vet says Maltese are the second highest breed to have luxating patellas (knee joints that slip in and out). Bummer!
