Wednesday, October 02, 2013

Paleo Diet: Waldorf Salad

Day 2 and 3 of our newly discovered way of eating. Rob's enjoying it, which is all I can ask for. He's getting more meat in his diet than I use to make. 

The past 2 days we've eaten chicken with a pre-packaged seasoning that has been sitting in the pantry. I'm not actually going to show that recipe since it's not Paleo related, and all I did was throw the seasoning on the chicken and bake it.

I did however make the most delicious salad ever. Rob LOVED it, and he doesn't usually go crazy for my salads.

Waldorf Salad (serves 5-6):
2 red apples, chopped
3 stalks of celery, chopped
1 large stem of green grapes, halved
2 bananas, chopped
1/4 c eggless mayo
lemon juice to taste

We probably won't use celery next time.

Mix all together, chill and serve.

Waldorf Salad

Chicken and waldorf salad

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