Tuesday, October 01, 2013

The Paleolithic Diet

If you have following my blog, most will know that I have been struggling with acne lately. I can't figure out how to make it go away. I have tried different washes and the only thing that is left is changing my diet. I never had acne in high school, but apparently adulthood hates my skin.

I took some time to look at what specific foods make you break out and it usually all comes down to dairy products. So this means a complete change in my diet. Most of the food I eat is full of cheese, and if you go out to eat it is extremely hard to find food without cheese or ranch.

The paleo diet, or caveman diet, is a dairy free diet. The cavemen only lived off meat, veggies, and fruit. Leave out the grains, cheese, sugars, and anything processed.  I found a ton of great recipes on pinterest that sticks to the Paleo diet.

So on Saturday Rob and I ventured to the grocery store to buy all the great foods. Only down side, I came out spending $89 on one week. If this diet works I'll try growing most of my own veggies. :)

Our Fridge! We have more fruits on the counter, and meats in the freezer.

Fish Oil helps clear acne
Rob and I are huge tea drinkers, so we always have to get a couple boxes of flavored tea :)

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