Sunday, December 01, 2013

It's Beginning To Feel A Lot Like Christmas

I love love love Christmas time. The decorations and the atmosphere are so wonderful! Not to mention the much needed family time.
Last year Rob and I started a traditional for our family to buy live Christmas Trees. I grew up with the artificial ones, and I just grew tired of it. Plus, we have no where to store the tree after Christmas ends, so I'd rather just buy it new, leave it up a month and then toss it. And those of you that have live trees, nothing compares to the fresh smell!

My very first post on this blog was our first Christmas Tree. It was so sad looking and nothing went right. We bought a tree that Home Depot cut way to short, and then cut too many limbs off the bottom. It leaned and the star wouldn't stay up. Our lights only went half way up the tree, and we had no hooks for the ornaments. You could definitely say it was a learning lesson for us.
Look how wimpy it looks!!!

This year I made sure to tell the tree cutters to NOT take any extra limbs off the bottom and to make sure to cut the bottom straight! The poor guy probably hated me after.

Our 2nd Christmas Tree
This one looks sooo much better! I decided for presents and wrapping I would use kraft paper found at the Dollar Tree. I actually wrapped all this with one roll! I bought think and thin ribbon and bows from the dollar tree as well. I think I spent $7 on wrapping paper, ribbons, and bows. Not bad!! Especially since it's going to get torn up anyway.

On Thanksgiving I was lucky enough that Rob's mother gave me like 1/10 of her miniature Christmas Village (and that's not being over dramatic when I say a tenth).

I still need to purchase the cotton snow to cover up all the white fabric. But all in all, I am very ecstatic to finally have a Christmas Village!!!