Monday, March 25, 2013

Cheap Meals | Pork Chops and Gravy!

So this blog is supposed to show my readers how to save like I do. Now, I'm not the best at saving or budgeting, but I do try. I am always looking for the next bargain on food, and the next best recipe for cheaper meals. Typically I only spend about $150 on groceries a month, which includes everything... breakfast, lunches, and dinners. This is for two people though. We usually take sandwiches to lunch, which really cuts down on spending.

Tonight I made Pork chops, mashed potatoes, gravy, and some veggies. I'd say this meal only cost me

Pork chops, which I bought BOGO, only cost me $2.48 a pack
Gravy mix, which I used half the bag $0.15
Green beans I bought during a sale at Kroger. $1/1lb. This was 1/2lb, $0.50
Carrots, I got on a manager's sale for $0.79 a bag, I used half the bag $0.39
Mashed Potatoes, I can't really price this since it's a box mix, but I'm sure $0.10

For the pork chops, I just mixed some BBQ sauce, honey, and brown sugar together and rubbed onto the chops and stuck them in the oven. 
In another pan I threw all the veggies in with a little bit of water and olive oil (next time not so much olive oil). I stuck these in the oven until tender. 
While these were cooking, I made my gravy and mashed potatoes on the stove.
Literally this meal took me 15 minutes to prep and cook. Super easy and Yummy yummy :)


  1. Looks yummy! When are we invited! Lol!

  2. Love what you are doing! I lost your blog address, and Edie gave it to me again tonight. If you hadn't already thought of it, that pork that wasn't too good makes great stir fry! Slice it real thin, grab half a bag of frozen stir fry veggies, add a little stir fry sauce and serve it over your choice of rice. (We use brown) Another cheap, healthy, and yummy meal! I don't really know which profile I should use for my comment, but it's from the Old Folks on the Creek!

  3. Haha! Well I actually did try that one night, and it was that great. I don't know if I just need to figure out a better way to season it. I made stir fry one time with Teriyaki pork loin from Kroger which was super delicious! I just hate spending so much money on a little bit of meat. But it's probably worth it.
