Thursday, June 13, 2013

Work IT!!

I am finally getting back in to my some what healthy lifestyle! I'm not throwing myself into it entirely, but I have made quite a few changes that have been going strong for 2 weeks. I didn't want to post anything last week, because this phase tends to only last one week! Now that summer is here, and those shorts are coming out, I've been seeing a lot more of my legs, which I am not entirely pleased with. I started eating a little healthier and working out just about every day.

I've only changed my breakfast and lunches a bit. This is like beginners steps to getting healthy.
Typically for breakfast, I would eat pop tarts or something quick that I could eat on the way to work. I've started mixing in fruits to get it some what healthy. Now I'll eat one slice of cinnamon raisin bread, and a banana or peach. I was doing the egg muffin with spinach, avocado, and cheese.. sooo good. but I hated scrubbing the pan every morning.

For lunch I still take a sandwich. It saves us so much money, and with me making our bread now, it's that much better. I just need to buy some extras to go in the sandwich! I used to eat chips with my sandwich, and now I eat an apple or an orange. It really does fill me up so much more than the chips do.
I also bought quinoa which I'm gonna start making salads with.

Dinner is still the same... unhealthy and delicious. I've just been cutting down my portions. It doesn't happen every time, but the key to remember is, one bad meal isn't going to make me fat, just like one good meal isn't going to make me skinny.

I've been walking every weekend at Arbor Hill Trails in Plano. It's so nice there, and so many areas to walk and explore!
Here's what I've done so far this week! Pretty good. You can already see my tummy toning up a little!

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