Tuesday, April 09, 2013

Budget Update

Nothing starts off the morning like budgeting your books! Especially when you stay on track, it only starts your morning off positively. So far this month I've done pretty well. I actually only went $9 over my budget (so $9 in the hole). That was basically from being sick and having some unexpected buys this month. I probably spent a little over $10 on medicines from Kroger this week. (Trying to kick my cold). In the end all it took was some $2 allergy meds, go figure ;)

Anyway, I started off the month a little negative in my Savings. I was so tired of watching my Freedom Credit Card never go down in debt. Each month I was struggling to save AND to pay off this card, when I had money right in front of my face just sitting there. So I ended up taking $322 out of my savings and paying off the last credit card I had so I wouldn't stress anymore. This now gives me the complete freedom of putting all extra money into savings, and not stressing out each pay period. I know most people would probably think I still lost out, since I lost some savings money. But it's sitting there for nothing at the moment, and I am so sick of watching my credit card have such a high balance. I like to spend on my card, then pay it completely off and leave myself with a $0.00 balance. Just makes you feel so much better!

I know I've posted this kind of thing before, but it's good to consistently tell yourself these things. It only makes you remind yourself why you are on a budget and how to keep on that budget!

1. Stay Positive! No matter how hard it might seem during the month to stay on track, especially if all your friends want to go out to eat all the time, STAY ON TRACK! As long as you know the reason why you might be staying home more or not buying that extra margarita at dinner that is all that matters.
2. Eat In More Often! This is something I am extremely big on! Rob tends to want to eat out a lot, especially if we're going out with friends for the night, we will end up eating there. But cook before hand, or if you know a day in advance, make something the night before so you can have leftovers. Eating in puts so much more money in my pocket. I usually can spend around $150 for the month in groceries, where as if we ate out a lot, that number could easily double or triple
3. Cut Back On  Pleasure Items! A year ago, Rob and I turned off our cable. We're usually so busy with work and trying to be outside on our days off, that we really had no need for cable. We kept our internet and only use Netflix. This cut our bill down by $100 each month. (Fios is way to expensive anyway. We'll definitely be getting something else when we change locations). See if you can reduce your cell phone bill, or insurance. We save money on Electricity by hardly running it. Most of the time our A/C is off. We open the windows on gorgeous days and save a ton.
4. Carpool! This might not work for everyone. I tried looking for a job in the city where Rob works at so we could drive together. That didn't work out for me, but I am lucky enough to have a job that is literally less that 10 minutes away.
5. Make A Grocery List! Each month I print out a calendar for that month, and fill in every day with a meal I know I'll make. This helps eliminate stress when it comes to that week of shopping, and it helps me stick to a budget. I know how much each meal is going to cost, and I have a budget of about $15 a week in dinners. Try to only go to the store twice a month. This helps from picking up junk you don't need.
6. Get Creative! Instead of spending $8 on laundry soap, make it yourself. You have make triple the amount for a whole lot less. Find some recipes on Pinterest. I know it might only be $8 for 2 months of washing (or however much) and you might not think it is worth the hassle, but that's the exact thinking that is making your budget not go down! Be a savvy saver and make your own bread, soap, or whatever. Plus it makes you feel like you've accomplished something!
7. Thrifting and Selling! Stop buying store bought items. Go to your local thrift stores and find something you can revamp on your own. If you do have space for it in your home, either don't buy it, or revamp it and sell it for a profit. Go through your junk at home and start selling items on ebay. Don't throw them away, make money!

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