Sunday, April 21, 2013

DIY : Body Scrub

So, my madre works for a health care agency, and actually goes out to the doctor's offices and tries to market off her healthcare agency. She explained to me about two weeks ago that she's running out of ideas. She's done the candles, cookies, lunches, ect and needs some new ideas. Thanks to pinterest, I had a ton! Lip balm, lip scrub, body scrub, bbq sauce, the list goes on!!

We settled on Body scrub, since we could pick out different colors and scents for the girls and guys in the office. My mom pre-ordered 100 tiny jars, we got 2 things of dye, and 3 different scents. She apparently thought we needed a lot of sugar, so she bought a 25 lb bag of it. lol.. let's just say I left with 12 lbs of sugar to take home. Thanks mom. I'll be set for a year.

So, here's the recipe we used. This filled about 33 jars of each color/scent. I'm not entirely sure the jar size, but maybe you'll get a feel from the pictures. They're small.

What you will need (33 jars):
8 cups of sugar
3 cups of EVOO
1 entire thing of fragrance 1/2 fl oz {hobby lobby}
2 entire things of dye {hobby lobby}

Mix well and scoop them into your jars. They smelled amazing!!
Our ginormous amounts of sugar and oil

The first batch of everything mixed together. We later dumped it back in and added more red.

Our color dye.

Wild Berry Fragrance, smelled great

Coconut was the best one I though.

Our assembly line of colors. This isn't even all of it!!! Still more blue, and all the red/pink was packed

My mom's logo and work sticker.

The final product!! It attached these cute tags on them to let the people at the doctor's office know what kind they got. So cute!!! 


  1. Looks like fun, and I love the new layout of your page!

  2. Thank you very much! It was fun, but a lot of work!!
