Saturday, April 20, 2013

Weekend Fun

So today is the first weekend Rob and I have gotten together that wasn't scheduled. 

It was actually a pretty amazing day so far. It's nice having a day off, and not having to worry about working the next day. Just pure freedom.

After last night's incident, I needed to go find some new jeans (great excuse). I was on a mission to find some cheap jeans, that make my butt look amazing. People always talk about how cheaper items don't last as long, which is turn in some aspects, but if you treat your clothes well, no matter how much they cost, they'll always last a long time. Two years ago I bought skinnies from Forever 21, and they still work for me! In fact, I probably wear those the most. 

I wanted to find some similar pairs at F21 again. So, off to the mall we went. 

First stop. H&M : I found two great pairs of jeans! They looks fab on me :) One was $9.95 and the other was $19.95.  Two amazing, plain shirts for 2 for $10, some new glasses $6.95.

F21: I found the same style of jeans I bought two years ago, just a different wash. Awesome!! $9.95

In a later post I'll include pictures.

All this shopping already pooped Rob out. We got this amazing spot in the food court. They have an area in the very center that is actually outdoors. It was such a beautiful day, we couldn't pass it up.

We tried out a bunch of new places we never have before. You think after being here almost two years, we'd try Which Which?? But no....
As you can see we had some fun. Our name was Plurf.
The lady that called our name to get the order looked at Rob strangely and tried to pronounce it. Then he tells her it's his girlfriend's name. Thanks babe.

My new favorite!! Gelato. It. Was. Amazing. 
We split a Texas Pecan Caramel cup. I was in heaven with every bit. Thankfully we got the tiniest cup since it was so so rich. Def getting this more often!

 To top off our amazing day - The Croods at the AMC
This movie is recommended for all people of all ages. I was laughing through the whole movie! And it's soooo pretty in the forest! All the amazing animals created for this movie. I applaud the artists. Even Rob liked the movie, and he typically doesn't like animated ones.

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